DJ Nawna's News - All Things Music

Monday, June 21, 2010

Testing, Testing, 1...2...3!

Here we go folks! Lets start this with a full update on each family member to give you a good grasp of what exactly I'm working with here.

Tommy is currently looking for work since his management position ended once the branch of his construction supply company closed. He's an eager beaver now trying to get out of the house and catch a break from 24/7 girly girl pink! If you know of any good jobs out there, holler at your girl!

I'd say it was about 2 weeks after he was let go that we discovered that not only were we pregnant but that we'd be getting a two for one deal: twins! The pregnancy, although consider high risk, has been going well and the babies are right on schedule. As of today I am 29 weeks pregnant but my uterus is actually measuring full term as if there was one big baby in there. The uterus is unable to identify there are two babies and therefore I have been put on bed rest that will last until I'm 34 week to hopefully prevent premature labor. If you're wondering how I feel...try not to! Ha! My joints need to be oiled, my upper and lower torso no longer have any cushioning in between and I feel approximately 12 months pregnant. I know there is light at the end of the tunnel though and that it will include two adorable baby girls.

Our older girls are very excited for babies in the house so we're excited to see how helpful they will be! That's it for now! I have some cool recipes I tried out for Father's Day yesterday that I'd like to add so stayed tuned and enjoy! <3

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