DJ Nawna's News - All Things Music

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Moms of Twins in Flagler & Volusia County

Having been unable to find any local groups, sites, etc. I created my own on Facebook. Please do all parents of twins a favor and help share this link so we can really get it up and going. If you offer any special courses, info or items specifically for moms of multiples in this area let me know and we can try to incorporate it into the page.

Moms-of-Twins-in-Flagler-Volusia-County Facebook Link

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vidalia Sweet Chicken Casserole

After making the original recipe there are definite tweaks to be made so I’ll list my version of the recipe below:

• 3 to 4 boneless chicken breast halves
• 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
• 3 to 4 large red-skinned or Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and sliced
• 1 to 2 medium Vidalia sweet onions, peeled and sliced
• 1 can (10 3/4 ounces each) cream of mushroom soup, undiluted (Tommy doesn’t like “fungus” so I used cream of chicken soup)
• salt, pepper, seasoning of your choice and paprika, to taste

Wash chicken and pat dry. Sprinkle chicken with salt, pepper, your fav seasoning (Montreal Chicken Seasoning for me) and paprika. Brown chicken breasts in oil and drain on paper towel. Grease a 11 x 9 casserole. Layer sliced potatoes on bottom; follow with a layer of onions and top with a layer of soup. Gently, place chicken breast over soup and sprinkle with more salt, pepper, and paprika. Cover tightly with lid or foil and bake at 350° for 1 hour. (I ended up having to cook it about 15 minutes longer so make sure to check before taking it out of oven completely).
Serves 3 to 4.

*Pretty darn easy, could do it from my kitchen stool and appeals to any "meat and potato" guy*

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pudding Popcorn Recipe | Taste of Home Recipes

Technically it'd called Sweet 'n' Salty Popcorn but I feel the title doesn't do it justice. This was pretty easy and SUPER yummy so I have officially renamed it "Pudding Popcorn" Mmmm, Mmm YuM! Click on the lick below and ENJOY:

Sweet 'n' Salty Popcorn Recipe | Taste of Home Recipes

Finding Baby Gear For A Household With Limited Space

Back in 2005 right before the real estate market's bubble popped, Tommy and I bought a cute 2 bedroom/2 bath townhouse less than a mile from the beach. For a small family of three (four including J.D. our Yorkshire Terrier) it was absolutely perfect. Now as a family of four headed into six with J.D. aaaaaand Marlee the English Bulldog, our space is limited.

When I found out we were getting TWO babies at once I immediately went into OCD-mode and had to figure out how we were going to make this work. Although the babies are not here yet I have purchased some items that have eased some of my anxiety and I would recommend to those people in similar situations.

1. We already have two girls in one bedroom but to try and squeeze in two babies was just out of the question. Our master bedroom is oversized but with that said, two full sized cribs just wasn't feasible for us so I went out searching for acceptable sleeping gear for the girls.

I was pleasantly surprised when I tracked down this Graco Bassinet/Pack-n-Play in a new pattern called Rittenhouse. If this was going to be more than a temporary arrangement I needed a pattern that would compliment our bedroom and not rub in Tommy's face that he STILL didn't get his baby boy! Once the girls are both here and we have the both set up I'll post pics so you can see how easily the bassinets blended into our room.

Testing, Testing, 1...2...3!

Here we go folks! Lets start this with a full update on each family member to give you a good grasp of what exactly I'm working with here.

Tommy is currently looking for work since his management position ended once the branch of his construction supply company closed. He's an eager beaver now trying to get out of the house and catch a break from 24/7 girly girl pink! If you know of any good jobs out there, holler at your girl!

I'd say it was about 2 weeks after he was let go that we discovered that not only were we pregnant but that we'd be getting a two for one deal: twins! The pregnancy, although consider high risk, has been going well and the babies are right on schedule. As of today I am 29 weeks pregnant but my uterus is actually measuring full term as if there was one big baby in there. The uterus is unable to identify there are two babies and therefore I have been put on bed rest that will last until I'm 34 week to hopefully prevent premature labor. If you're wondering how I feel...try not to! Ha! My joints need to be oiled, my upper and lower torso no longer have any cushioning in between and I feel approximately 12 months pregnant. I know there is light at the end of the tunnel though and that it will include two adorable baby girls.

Our older girls are very excited for babies in the house so we're excited to see how helpful they will be! That's it for now! I have some cool recipes I tried out for Father's Day yesterday that I'd like to add so stayed tuned and enjoy! <3